Your service provider

DATANET has been active since 1986 in the fields of data pro­ces­sing / analysis / eva­lua­tion and sup­porting con­sulting services. A special focus was on indi­vidual soft­ware deve­lop­ment in the tele­com­mu­ni­ca­tions industry (soft­ware, service, consulting). Other services include: project manage­ment for complex tele­com­mu­ni­ca­tions archi­tec­tures, as well as Tele­com­mu­ni­ca­tion -Ex­pense Mana­ge­ment (TEM) solutions for major customers.

Digitization of all business processes

Contract manage­ment (inventory, ordering, logistics, histor­ici­za­tion), Invoice process­ing (check, assign, update), Re­porting (exten­sive analysis of con­sump­tion, costs and origin at all organi­za­tional levels of a large company), Inte­gration into existing system environ­ments (ERP systems, SRM systems, HR systems, SAP ARIBA, Crossinx, basware, Service­Now ...), Connection of any network operator and supplier.

DATANET service platform CT

Over 500 active major and inter­national customers have already decided on DATANET. We are currently responsible for..

  • Manage­ment and regular processing of the data of more than 8 million tele­commu­nication lines.
  • Manag­ement and processing of connec­tions and assets of several hundred MPLS networks.
  • Processing, pre­paration and accounting of the data of numerous large PBX networks.

Safety is the priority

Your data is in good hands with us: DATANET operates an Infor­ma­tion Security Manage­ment System (ISMS) that meets the re­quire­ments of the ISO/IEC 27001 standard. Proce­dures and rules are also de­fined to ensure, control and conti­nuously improve infor­mation security in the long term.